The primary focus of my creative practice is exploring the intersection of physical and transcendent themes - to investigate the tension of the tug between tangible and ephemeral. 

My work is a type of processing, allowing a moment of introspection. The departure from flesh tones and proportional bodies encourages a synthesizing of physical & emotional forms -  for one to consider that they are virtually indistinguishable without our insistence on their separation. I am driven by this dynamic - between micro & macro, internal & external, form & formless.

Sonja Anise

We can’t help but participate in creation—I say let’s engage in lucid work. Our efforts in each moment matter, however insignificant they may seem. Let’s grant ourselves permission to play in radical ways, to connect, to extend our creative verve to its fullest extent. The time to do so is ripe.

My art is defiance to limitation. I choose to bypass boundaries, constructs and instructionals. I’ve found healing in time spent simply feeling the materiality of my work. I’ve found freedom in the possibilities of a blank surface. I’ve found faith in my own power through visions, dreams and inspiration. I’ve found my greatest source of solace in this wild, twisting planet we call home. 

My hope is that we begin to commune with one another in honest ways—ways that directly challenge the guidelines for interaction we’re encouraged to uphold. We’re infinitely more. Indeed, we are co-creators of this subjective reality. 

Let’s dream. 
